Last week, she was buried amongst her school books at home. This week, her family is burying her body.
This is the message that stunned me when I checked in with our team on the ground in Afghanistan just a day ago.
This image is exactly why I'm committed to ensuring every Hazara girls school has the security they need to protect these young girls from ISIS terrorists.
And this is why I need you to join me in making a tax-deductible gift of $250, $100, or even $50 to the Vulnerable People Project's Harzara Girls School Campaign right away.
We must raise a little over $40,200 in the coming few weeks to ensure 3 of the most vulnerable schools in Afghanistan can hire security guards and buy and set-up the cameras they need.
Please give now.
P.S. - I've included below my email from the other day explaining the dire situation on the ground. Please read below.
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Jason Jones <jason@movietomovement.com> Date: Tue, Oct 4, 2022 at 9:14 AM Subject: BREAKING: tragic news out of Afghanistan To: Timor <morrisonist@yahoo.com>
Timor -- I have some devastating news to share with you.
On Friday, an ISIS terrorist blew up a Hazara school for girls just outside of Kabul.
Killing at least 19 children...the little girls were just trying to get an education.
The pictures are team on the ground is sending me are heartbreaking.
It’s even worse when I consider that this particular school was on our list of schools to fundraise and cover security for...as we knew they were facing security risks.
Timor, we have to do more.
The war on Afghan woman and the Hazara (a minority Muslim community that the Taliban previously waged genocide against) continues, and the world is silent.
Here in the West, all we see discussed on the evening news is why we need to support the LGBQT agenda pushed by the latest Disney movie, global warning BS, and why we should be all driving electric cars powered by materials mined by brown children so we think we are “green.”
We slap on our rainbow flag stickers and shout “We Stand with Trans Women” while real women and little girls are beaten, gunned down, and blown up in Afghanistan.
I can’t stand this.
Yesterday, I called an urgent meeting of our U.S. and Afghan Vulnerable People Project (VPP) team members, and I’ve set an aggressive goal.
We must secure funding to cover the security costs for every Hazara girls school by January 1st, starting with three in the next week.
It only costs $18,000 to secure a school with security guards AND security cameras for one year.
We’ve already outfitted two Hazara girls schools with security teams, next up are three additional schools we've identified who could be next on the ISIS terrorist's lists.
According to a recent report of the Hazara in Afghanistan, there are as many as 23,930 girls that are being deprived of an education because there isn’t a school they can attend or it’s too unsafe to go.
Timor, can you chip in with a tax-deductible gift of $250, $100, or even $50 right now to help fund our Afghan Hazara Girls School Initiative?
Your help will ensure that girls in a vulnerable minority in Afghanistan are given a chance at a successful future and are safe when they go to school.
So, please chip in now.
For the most vulnerable, Jason Jones Founder, Movie to Movement & The Vulnerable People Project Producer, Divided Hearts of America Host, The Jason Jones Show
P.S. - With so many international aid organizations out there, I continue to be shocked by the fact that VPP is the only Western NGO operating in Afghanistan helping to serve and protect the most vulnerable in the nation. Please help us do more. |
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